Sometimes, well, a lot of the time I wish technology was not quite so advanced.
Just yesterday while I was at work someone called whose voice sounded so familiar, and after hanging up, I couldn't stop my mind from wandering, creating scenarios of reconnecting with someone I hadn't talked to for years all because of a random phone call. Also, recently one of my friends jokingly asked me, "what would you think if you came home from work and I was sitting at your kitchen table having tea with your grandma?" Marvelous! Why DONT people do that? Whatever happened to people just 'stopping by' without a phone call or a planned meeting? Am I crazy, or wouldn't that just be wonderful? People used to do it all the time!
I think that online communities and cell phones have really kind of ruined things. They are the source of so much drama, fakeness and heartache. At the same time, I do realize that technology has it's good sides, after all, who am I to be saying 'down with technology' when I myself have one of the most advanced technological gadgets within earshot 24 hours a day. I suppose, as with everything you must take the good with the bad.
It's just so easy to 'find people' these days, sometimes I wish it was harder. I wish it was harder to seek people out and to be sought after. Not just a simple 'click click click.... befriend.' I caught myself saying the other day “I know people who don't even know I know them!” How can I even say that? I don't know ANYONE based on a simple bit of data that's posted under their name on some stupid web page. Sure, maybe I've figured out their name and favorite books, movies, music, and have seen all of their pictures from birth to present day, but that certainly doesn't mean anything.
Maybe I was born in the wrong century.