Friday, April 24, 2009
The Sounds of Summer
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Breakfast In New York, and I Know That I'm Dreaming
After a long day in NYC, I have to say that I am delightfully surprised at how much I like the city. I think I had heard soooooo much praise about it, and watched so many friends move away to the Big Apple for no reason other than the fact that they had fallen in love with the city, that I refused to believe that NYC was all that great. But the strangest thing happened, the moment I drove over The George Washington Bridge I could feel the energy of the city. I suddenly started to understand how people fall in love with the place. In kind of a crazy way, it reminded me of being in another country. Imagine something akin to a cross between Paris and Barcelona. Culture is all around, people are genuine, and there's something to be explored down every side street and alleyway. Added bonus: it feels relatively safe. I feel like I could spend years exploring the city and never get bored.
The Guggenheim was amazing, an exhibit titled The Third Mind was on display which dealt with Asia's influence on American art.. Included in the exhibit was a beautiful little site-specific performance piece by Ann Hamilton that was not only intriguing to watch but very stirring. Another favorite was Emily Jacir's work commemorating the life and tragic death of Wael Zuaiter. Of course I MUST mention that it was an absolute dream to be inside one of Wright's gorgeous and innovatively designed buildings. The Metropolitan was equally astounding. Renoir, Rembrandt, Monet, Manet, Picasso, Johns, Warhol, Pollock, and Close, all could be found here, and find them I did! The trip ended with my all time favorite piece of the day Anselm Keifer's Bohemia Lies by the Sea. A breathtaking painting that stirs something unexplainable inside of me. Keifer, you've done it again. Someday I would like to meet you or at least have one of your pieces hanging on my wall.
Anyway, besides the fact that no one in my family likes modern art (I don't know how we're related) and my brother picked on me all morning, it's been a very good trip thus far. I'm so excited to see one of my old friends this weekend! Unfortunately I know one too many people who are so close right now, that I just can't visit all of them ): infact I didn't even tell anyone I was coming because this is *supposed* to be a family trip. I apologize to anyone who finds this later! I'm planning on coming back, I promise!!
New York, you win. I like it here.
Posted with LifeCast
Monday, April 6, 2009
It goes on and on and on and on
Some highlights:
- My friend Jenny got married! And oh my goodness was she absolutely breath taking. I got to take some really great pictures when I wasn't actually being a part of the wedding, which I will hopefully finish editing this week. This was a happy but sad event because as Jenny said those fateful words 'I do,' the Singles Club had one less member, which is sad, but at that very same moment a 'dues due' stamp was put on Jenny's membership file, meaning I have some cash coming my way.
- Through the wedding I got to meet some friends of the bride and groom, who were really great people. We ended up playing scrabble until the wee hours of the morning and dove home in a blizzard. Good times.
- The group of friends I've been hanging out with have now been tagged “The Journey Girls,” which I think is great. I love being a Journey girl. Not only because it's cool but it also doubles as a reference to the 80's rock band. Which is fitting because we truly won't stop believing...
- Many adventures have been shared with the Journey Girls and Co. Concerts, birthdays, VIP rooms, meeting celebrities, Stl fashion week, attending The Journey of course, and searching for the ever elusive Mr. Clooney. (who, rumor has it, checked me out as I passed him outside of Mandarin [which I can confirm]) Truly, there are too many good stories to squeeze into one little blog post.
- I had the privilege of modeling for a friend of a friend's fashion line, you can find her here and later in the year you can find me there too! Brea McAnally does all the shooting, you can find her amazing work here.
- I've been up at the Luminary quite a bit lately helping out, and although it brings out a very quiet side of me, I very much enjoy being around the people there.
- Work 'accidentally' scheduled me a week off... which was not so much a highlight when I first saw the schedule (in fact, I may have shed a tear of frustration) but it is becoming a highlight because I now have time to blog, clean, stalkerbook, edit some photos, hopefully start a new art project, and just play catch up.
A low light... I feel as though I've been captured on camera one too many times and am beginning to look like one of those stl party girls... (please, alive magazine, don't put me on the back page)
Coming up: Copeland, New Jersey/NYC trip with the fam, London Calling pt. 2, and hopefully another chapter or two in the lives of The Journey Girls... and Co.